Dear Parishioners,
We are so very thankful as we continue to feel enveloped by your prayers, especially as we have reached another critical period in the Rector search. The Holy Spirit is guiding and enlightening our conversations, as we discern our candidates. We thank God at each meeting for clarity and guidance.
We completed the initial interviews of the 11 candidates which we had culled from 35 applicants. The interviews were engaging and provided for a deeper insight into their personal spiritual life, their preaching, and their thoughts on leading a complex organization such as St. James’.
We continue to watch their sermons online and speak confidentially to their references and those who we know in common in our faith. The search process is moving along in a swift but thorough manner.
At this point, our field now consist of 5 semifinalists. Confidentiality for our semifinalists is important, as their parishes are not aware they are meeting with St. James’. To respect that, the semifinalists will only meet with the Rector Search Committee members during the next step. The semifinalists will be brought in individually to New York over the course of 5 weekends beginning in February. During their two-day, two-night stay in New York, the semifinalists will have time for more intimate in-person conversations; they will lead Bible studies, join the RSC for casual meals, and lead a homily and Eucharist for the RSC.
During this time, we will complete our background work and referencing on the semifinalists. Our goal is to identify and present the finalists to the Vestry in early to mid-March.
The final phase will be completed by our Vestry who will conduct separate in-person interviews with the finalists and meet their families and make the final, unanimous decision on our next Rector in the Spring of 2023.
With thankfulness to the parishioners of St. James’,