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Closer with Song

Music is central to the cultures of all civilizations, from the most primitive to the most advanced. The instruments may differ, and the sounds they produce, but there is a common denominator: Music appeals directly, without the need for explanation or translation. Its attraction is spiritual and emotional rather than intellectual.

At St. James’, music is integral to our services and liturgy. Though it is entirely normal to have prayer and other services without music, the extra dimension of music enhances our appreciation and understanding of our spiritual experiences.

Watch as the St. James’ Compostela Choir sings the Introit and Kyrie from Maurice Durufle’s Requiem during the November 3, 2014 service of Choral Eucharist for All Souls’ Day.

Adult Choirs
Help lead worship as a member of our adult choirs
Children & Youth
Learn more about our chorister program for children & youth
Bicentennial Organ
Learn more about St. James' Bicentennial Organ
Music Staff

Meet the people with St. James’ who make the musical programs work!

Director of Music & Organist

Kenneth Miller

Assistant for Children’s Choirs

Marisa Curcio

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