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Closer Through Prayer

St. James’ serves as an extension of Christ’s love and care to our parishioners and members of the community. If you are ill, anticipating surgery, bereaved or experiencing difficulties in your life, our clergy and lay volunteers are ready to listen, visit, pray with you, and keep your confidences.

If you would like to speak with a member of the clergy about a pastoral issue, or to place someone on our prayer list, please email the clergy at

Reach Out to Us

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.””

– James 5:16

Healing Prayer Ministry

After Sunday worship services, commissioned lay Healing Prayer Ministers offer the laying on of hands and prayers in the Chapel. All are invited to receive these prayers for themselves or for someone they love. Parishioners are chosen for this ministry because of their faithful prayer life, their willingness to reach out to those in need, and their trustworthiness in keeping confidences. Initial instruction followed by occasional meetings for mutual support and reflection provide ongoing spiritual growth and training for the Healing Prayer Ministers.

Lay Eucharistic Ministry

The Lay Eucharistic Ministers represent the Church beyond its walls and are living reminders that the sick and infirm are integral parts of the community which is the body of Christ. In teams of two, Lay Eucharistic Ministers carry pre-consecrated Holy Communion to hospitalized parishioners and those who are permanently homebound due to age or infirmity. They also visit those who are temporarily incapacitated, either recovering from surgery, illness, or unable to attend church due to their own roles as caregivers, including mothers of new infants.