The most significant step you can take on the road to a deeper and transformed life in Christ is to be baptized with water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. By Baptism, we are joined to Christ in his death and resurrection and made full members of his body, the Church. At Baptism, we make promises about how we will live our lives as followers of Jesus. God promises us forgiveness of our sins and new life in the Holy Spirit, and welcomes us into full communion with Christ and his Church.
At St. James’ we baptize children and adults. Most Baptisms involve small children, with their parents and godparents making promises on their behalf. However, every year, we are also delighted to be able to baptize a number of adults. If you (or your child) are ready for Baptism, we encourage you to contact the Rev. Matt Oprendek to begin a conversation, and to join us regularly in worship.