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Transformed in Christ

The most significant step you can take on the road to a deeper and transformed life in Christ is to be baptized with water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. By Baptism, we are joined to Christ in his death and resurrection and made full members of his body, the Church. At Baptism, we make promises about how we will live our lives as followers of Jesus. God promises us forgiveness of our sins and new life in the Holy Spirit, and welcomes us into full communion with Christ and his Church.

At St. James’ we baptize children and adults. Most Baptisms involve small children, with their parents and godparents making promises on their behalf. However, every year, we are also delighted to be able to baptize a number of adults. If you (or your child) are ready for Baptism, we encourage you to contact the Rev. Matt Oprendek to begin a conversation, and to join us regularly in worship.

Contact the Rev. Matt OprendekFrequently-Asked Questions

“So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!”

– 2 Corinthians 5:17

Upcoming Baptism Dates: 2024-2025

January 12, 2025

First Sunday after the Epiphany

March 2, 2025

Last Sunday after the Epiphany

April 27, 2025

Second Sunday of Easter

June 8, 2025

Day of Pentecost

If you (or your child) are ready for baptism, we encourage you to contact the Rev. Matt Oprendek to begin a conversation, and to join us regularly in worship.

Contact the Rev. Matt Oprendek

Frequently-Asked Questions

Do I have to be a member of St. James' to schedule a baptism?

No. If you want to have a baptism here, our answer is “Yes.” But if you don’t have a church, why not make St. James’ your church? If you do have a church, why not have the baptism there? And if you don’t want a church, why have a baptism at all? These questions sometimes have very good answers, but they’re always worth asking. The clergy at St. James’ would love to talk with you about these questions or any related issues that might be on your mind.

What is the appropriate age for baptism?

Any age is an appropriate age because God’s love for his people is absolutely independent of understanding or achievement. We have baptized babies as young as two hours old; we have also baptized parishioners well into their 80s and 90s.

What if one of the parents or godparents is not a Christian?

The love and support of relatives and friends is a blessing from God. All are invited to participate in baptism at St. James’ in whatever way makes sense to them and to you, including as supporters and witnesses. One role that does not make sense for a non-Christian is that of godparent. This is a matter of courtesy and hospitality to the non-Christian, in light of the fact that godparents make public promises and affirmations in the name of Christ as part of the baptismal service.

Should I bring the baby to the preparation meetings? To church?

Babies should be wherever they’re comfortable and their parents are happy. If you and the baby are happy together, then keep the baby with you even if there’s some fussing and wiggling and getting up and down. A worship service is not the opera, and our pre-baptismal conversations are not business meetings. On the other hand, if the baby’s happy in the nursery, and you’re happy for a break, you may leave the baby in our professionally staffed nursery for any part of Sunday morning. Older siblings, depending on their age and comfort level, can play in our playroom, go to Sunday school (which coincides with our meetings), or stay in the room with us and run the risk of being bored.

What if I myself am not sure about Christianity or my commitment to the Church?

The best way to address those questions is to participate, reflect, and evaluate. You are more likely to make progress on these issues in conversation with others than at home by yourself. We would love to have you join us to explore, even if you’re not committed to membership or baptism.