As a steward of the gifts given to me (or my household) by God and with a generous heart, I/we commit a portion of those gifts to help proclaim the Gospel through the ministries of St. James’ Church.
Stewardship 2024
After you fill out the form below, your commitment may be fulfilled in a variety of ways: (1)
- Gifts through credit cards — you can set up a recurring gift via credit card using our Online Giving portal. Contact Cathy McAleer with questions at 212-774-4238 or at
- Contribute through Donor Advised Fund — set up a disbursement to St. James’ Church with your DAF manager
- Donating appreciated stock is a high-impact, tax advantaged way to support St. James’ and our community programs.
- If you are 73 or older, you can make a tax-free commitment from your IRA, and still meet your required minimum distribution (RMD). Inquire with your plan administrator or financial advisor.
(1) St. James’ is providing this information for your consideration only. Before taking any action, please consult with a tax professional or a certified financial advisor.
After submitting your commitment, you will receive an email sharing that specific information. The amount of your commitment will be known only by the Rector and Administration & Finance staff and may be altered at any time by notice to the Rector or Treasurer.