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Lift Up Your Voice

Being a chorister at St. James’ is a wonderful way to experience music across the centuries and reinforce faith-based formation in the church.

Choristers learn healthy singing techniques and musicianship skills through fun and varied activities, including Orff instruments, handchimes and handbells.  Rehearsal techniques are planned to engage students at age- and developmentally-appropriate levels, incorporating kinesthetic, visual and auditory learning.  The age ranges indicated are a starting point for best social and pedagogical results.  We know that scheduling can be difficult; and every family and child is different, so please speak to Kenneth Miller if you have any questions.

We want you involved, and everyone is welcome!

Contact Kenneth Miller for information
Cherub Choir (age 4-5)
Rehearses Tuesdays, 3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. @ Playroom

Children sing for monthly Children’s Eucharist services and learn music basics in an engaging, playful classroom setting. They discover their singing voice, learn to feel rhythm, and refine motor skills and early reading while learning simple songs. Birthdates are not strict; contact Kenneth Miller.

Primary Choir (age 6-8)
Rehearses Thursdays, 4:00 p.m. - 4:40 p.m. @ Ault Music Room

Children sing twice each month, for monthly Children’s Eucharist and on some third Sundays with the Junior Choir. This group begins music reading skills, choir ensemble and handbell basics and continues learning fundamentals in an age-appropriate and fun rehearsal. Thursdays for Families follows at 4:45. Contact Kenneth Miller for more information.

Youth Choir (age 8-18 or by invitation)
Rehearses Tuesdays, 4:40 p.m. - 5:40 p.m. @ Ault Music Room

Children sing weekly at the 9:10 Sunday services throughout the school year. They develop increasing choral ability, independence and musicianship while building a sense of community, leadership and responsibility. Birthdates are not strict, please contact Kenneth Miller for more information.