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Preparing the Sanctuary

The Altar Guild offers the ministry of preparing the sanctuary for worship on Sundays and weekdays, holy days, and special occasions such as weddings and funerals. They provide the Bread and Wine necessary for Holy Eucharist, and the flowers that adorn the church. They purchase and care for the altar linens, silver vessels, and clergy vestments used in our services, as well as the altar frontals, needlepoint kneelers and cushions that grace our church.

Contact parishioner Kristin Hardwick

“O Lord, I love the habitation of your house and the place where your glory dwells.”

– Psalm 26:8

Christmas & Easter Flowers

Flowers at Christmas and Easter are traditionally given in memory of and in thanksgiving for beloved relatives and friends. Names received at least three weeks before the holiday will be listed in the service leaflet for the major services.

Make a donationContact Rosa Gentile
Sunday Memorial Flowers

The Altar Guild relies entirely on the generosity of friends and parish members. If you would like to offer Sunday altar flowers in memory or honor of a relative or friend, please use our online form or download the donation card (PDF) and return it to the church.

Make a Sunday Flower DonationContact Rosa Gentile