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Pilgrimage Blog: Day 9

By January 27, 2023January 31st, 2023No Comments

From Betty Crowley

This morning we visited the sanctuary at Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed before he was arrested.

What was profoundly meaningful & moving was being in the the garden where there are eight olive trees whose beautiful, twisted roots seem to weep as they bear silent witness to the rock where Jesus prayed and suffered the evening before his crucifixion.

There is a window behind the altar in the Church of All Nations where one can see a panorama of Jerusalem. The cross on the altar lines up with the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Jesus could undoubtedly see where he would carry the cross and ultimately be crucified as events were beginning to unfold. Our time here was one of silent contemplation & prayer.

The second event was when our community of happy pilgrims visited and swam (floated!) in the Dead Sea.  At first glance, this may appear in sharp contrast to the morning, but it actually reflects the breadth & depth of our experiences on this trip.How fortunate it is that we can be together in serious contemplation & share joyful moments as well.

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