A note from the Rev. Marisa Sifontes
Hello, St. James’!
It is with great joy that I look forward to serving as your Associate Rector beginning this Fall. I give thanks to the work of the Holy Spirit for our paths crossing at this time.
As Zack mentioned, I was born and raised in Buffalo. While I grew up spending many summers and holidays visiting family in the Bronx, the path of life has taken me south for many years. Coupled with proximity to friends and family who continue to call New York City home, I have a lot to look forward to as I make my way back to the Northeast, and my long neglected snow boots are looking forward to the return.
We are a family of three and a half. My oldest son, Cole, is entering his final year at Amherst College, where he is completing a dual major in Asian Civilizations and Cultures and English. His brother, Max, is getting ready to start his second year at Tufts University, where he is studying Astrophysics. And Lincoln, our pug, does his best to keep us all in line.
All of us are excited about the move to New York City and what it entails. Max and I, especially, can’t wait to sample all the gluten free goodies there.
My continued thanks to Zack, to the Executive Committee, and to all those who’ve shared what a wonderful place St. James’ is. We appreciate all the assistance to everyone helping ensure our transition is a smooth one.
One thing was resoundingly clear during my talks with everyone at St. James’ — this is a place where good things are happening. Your sense of mission and purpose in living into the Gospel and carrying out its work are palpable. And I can’t wait to join you.
See you soon.
Peace and blessings,