The St. James’ Vestry, our elected governing body, is comprised of parishioners who represent a broad spectrum of our community and are responsible for the “temporal affairs of the parish,” for stewardship of church money and property, and program development and oversight. Their work often goes unnoticed, but each member has a passion for, investment in, and commitment to our life together in Christ. So when you come to worship, you can focus on what’s really important.
Election overview
At the Annual Meeting on May 12, 2024, the parish will elect a Warden and four Vestry members. Missy Condo, Sr. Warden, is eligible for re-election. Justine Keithline has completed one three-year term and is eligible for re-election. Sue Bennett, Susanna Guffey and Elizabeth Littlejohn have each completed two consecutive three-year terms and are ineligible for re-election.
Who can vote
All baptized parishioners of 18 years or older who have been in regular attendance at worship services at St. James’ and are contributors of record are encouraged to vote. Rules of eligibility will be enforced per the parish by-laws.
A note on Fixed Slate Elections
At the Annual Meeting in May 2018, the parish approved a change to our By-laws, to move from contested elections for Vestry service to having the parish elect a fixed slate of candidates, in which the number of candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee matches the number of open positions.
The Nominating Committee met in January. The Nominating Committee consists of Anne Strassner, Chair, Richard Brown, Tristan Bultman, Norris Daniels, Stephen de Francesco, Susanna Guffey, Elizabeth Littlejohn, Rob Long, Marcy Sendax and Bob Stinson. Zack Thompson, Rector, served as ex-officio. The Committee received several nominations from the congregation, all of which were thoughtfully and prayerfully considered. In our work together, we discussed the criteria that we felt was important for the slate given the continuing and current Vestry membership, as well as the Expectations and Responsibilities of all Vestry members.
It is an honor to serve as the Senior Warden at St James’. The work the Clergy, Staff, and Vestry undertake is truly a labor of love for the St James’ community. St James’ is a very welcoming church that makes it possible to grow spiritually in many ways as well as to give back to our community and beyond. After being a member of St. James’ for 28 years I am still amazed at all the new opportunities to grow in faith and help our neighbors, those in need, and to make a difference in community organizations.
Name: Tom Goss
Family: Elizabeth “Lib” Goss, wife; DeWitt Goss, son; Ridgely Goss, daughter
Personal statement: I am honored to be considered for the Vestry at St. James’ and look forward to broadening my commitment to our parish community. My wife, Lib, and I have lived in New York City for over 25 years, and our children, DeWitt and Ridgely, were baptized at St. James’ in the late ‘90s. We have always considered St. James’ to be our spiritual home. Over the years, I have enjoyed participating in the Catechumenate, serving in the Friday Night Dinner Program, being a member of the Investment Committee and serving as a Head Usher at the 11:15 a.m. service. I am extremely grateful to our clergy for providing so many wonderful learning experiences that have opened my eyes to a life of faith and service. Professionally, I have been blessed with a long career in the financial services industry, and I currently work as a Financial Advisor in Wealth Management at Morgan Stanley. As I look forward, it will be a great privilege to work closely with our other Vestry members and new church leadership to make a meaningful contribution to our shared life in Christ.
When she signed up John for a toddler playgroup at St. James’ in 2009, Justine never anticipated becoming actively involved in the parish or having her dormant Christian faith revitalized. Her life is enhanced and her soul is nourished from volunteering with other parishioners on committees such as Children’s and Family Ministries, Parish Life, and Parish Weekend Away and from teaching Sunday School. She relishes the many opportunities to learn and grow her faith through weekly Bible Study, special courses like Revive and Sacred Ground, and Sunday Eucharist in the sanctuary. As a vestry member, Justine has committed herself to faithfully serving St. James’ in old and new capacities as it shares God’s love with parishioners, neighbors, and the world.
Name: Ellie Smith
Personal statement: Ellie is honored to be considered for the Vestry at St. James’ Church, which she considers her home in New York City more than any neighborhood or apartment. She began attending in 2019 and has since served as a co-chair of the St. Jamesians, an usher, a Sunday school leader, and a member of the Rector Search Committee in 2022-2023. Outside of St. James’, Ellie works in communications and mentors high school students through an education nonprofit — both experiences that she believes will inform her work on the Vestry. Ellie appreciates St. James’ consistent emphasis on God’s unending love for us and as an example to us, and she hopes her work will help St. James’ continue welcoming, embracing and loving God’s children.
Name: Catherine Workman
Family: Chris Workman, husband; Ellie Workman, daughter; Pippa Workman, daughter
Bio: Catherine Workman resides with her husband Chris and their children, Ellie and Pippa. While she once served as a pediatrician at NYU Langone Health, Catherine is currently focused on nurturing her family as a stay-at-home parent. Within the St. James’ community, she has been actively involved in various roles, including co-chair of the Children and Families Ministry, as well as past involvement in the Rector Search Committee, Pastoring the Community Task Force, and the Grants Committee. Outside of St. James’, Catherine continues her commitment to service as a facilitator at NYC Parents in Action and through active participation in her daughters’ school’s Parents Association. With her extensive background in healthcare and community engagement, Catherine brings a wealth of experience to the Vestry.