Dear St. James’ Community,
The Rector Search Committee thanks you all for your prayers together in our weekly prayer group, during the services and individually. We have felt the Holy Spirit in our presence as we discern our work preparing to present our finalists to the Vestry for selection of our next Rector.The RSC completed the interviews of the five semifinalists over the course of five weekends ending in March. We met each week to discuss the individual candidates and review our copious notes and comments.We took the weeks surrounding Holy Week and Brenda’s last Sunday to complete background and reference checks. Now we feel prepared to ready ourselves for our Chair, Mary Malhotra, to present our recommendations to the Vestry at their annual retreat this coming weekend.The Vestry will interview our final candidate recommendations and then select who they believe should receive the call as our next Rector. We hope, since the Bishop will need to approve our call, that by the end of May, we will be able to share the good news of our new Rector with the Parish.Over the summer, our new Rector will be moving into the Rectory, and familiarizing themselves with all of the pastoral and administrative details only the Rector can appreciate.We hope Homecoming will be our official timing for our new Rector to lead our church into the next exciting time of worship and growth.With thanksgiving to our Risen Lord and the St. James’ parish,The Rector Search Committee