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Almighty Father, whose blessed Son before his passion prayed for his disciples that they might be one, even as you and he are one: Grant that your Church, being bound together in love and obedience to you, may be united in one body by the one Spirit...

— A prayer for the Unity of the Church, from the Book of Common Prayer, p. 255

Supporting Haiti

St. James’ has a long-term relationship with St Vincent’s Center for Children with Disabilities in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. We ask for prayers and financial support for Haiti as the country recovers from a powerful  7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck the southwest portion of the country.  This devastating earthquake was followed by Tropical Storm Grace. More than 1 million people, including more than half a million children, have been impacted by the back-to-back disasters, and the death toll climbs. Episcopal Relief & Development and its partners are responding immediately with direct assistance to vulnerable households in the region, as partners plan long-term recovery. Your generous gift can provide assistance to help people in the wake of these disasters.

Make a Donation to ERD Haiti Fund
Supporting Displaced Peoples

We partner with the International Rescue Committee to offer shelter to refugees in a fully furnished apartment within the church. Both families and individuals are welcome to stay as long as they need while caseworkers help them to find work, take English classes, and acclimate to life in New York City. Want to be a part of the team that welcomes and supports our newest neighbors?

Email Calvin Bushman