Living Life from a Deeper Place:
Contemplative Prayer and Spirituality
Led by the Rev. Dr. Winston Charles
Saturday, February 26 from 8:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Winston writes: “The twenty-first century promises a fresh and even more vital understanding of the Good News Jesus embodied through his life and teaching, his healing ministry and the giving of himself in love, even unto death. Contemplative prayer and spirituality touches the very core of our being, uncovering a deeper center from which to live in all aspects of our life. Based on prayer practices of Jesus and passed down through the centuries, this ancient Christian contemplative tradition is being reclaimed in these days, offering life-giving resources for facing what life presents and embracing the joy of living in communion with the Beloved and with one another.
Saturday’s time together will be a presentation of some key dynamics of contemplative spirituality as well as prayer practices that help to open the heart and enlighten the mind. At noon, we will join in a contemplative Eucharist followed by lunch. Join us for a morning in reflection on how contemplative practice can prepare us for Lent and become a resource for facing the challenges of the times in which we live.”
A light lunch will be offered after the retreat. It will help in our planning if you let us know you are coming. Contact Rosa Gentile at to RSVP.
Winston B. Charles grew up attending St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Bennettsville, a small town in South Carolina. He graduated from the University of the South (Sewanee) and Virginia Theological Seminary. Ordained as an Episcopal priest in 1974, Winston served parishes in the Dioceses of South Carolina, New York, and North Carolina before retiring from parish ministry in 2009 after fifteen years as rector of Christ Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. In midcourse, he earned a Ph.D. in Church History from Union Theological Seminary in New York City. During his studies, Winston served for a few years as part-time associate at St. James’, Madison Avenue. For the past decade he has been involved in many ways with the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation, which for almost fifty years has been reclaiming the Christian tradition of contemplative prayer and spirituality, teaching how to live and lead more from the Spiritual Heart. Most recently, Winston retired after several years as director of Shalem’s clergy program, Going Deeper: Clergy Spiritual Life and Leadership. Winston and Judy live in Raleigh enjoying the beauty of the Carolinas.