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To join St. James’ Church is to become a member of a parish in the City of New York where parishioners actively share the love of Jesus Christ with each other, our city, and the world. For Christians, the most important “membership” we have is our membership in the Body of Christ. All are eligible for this membership, there are no dues, and it never expires. The first step toward parish membership is baptism. Once you have been baptized, we welcome you to formally commit to serve God at St. James’. To be a member of St. James’ is to take up the responsibilities of Baptism through the worship, mission, and ministries of this church. We are committed to worship, serve, and give to welcome in the Kingdom of God.


Worship is at the heart of who we are. Make prayer with the gathered community a part of your personal spiritual practice by participating in Sunday and weekday worship whenever you are able. The clergy are available to help you in developing a life of personal prayer.


Look for ways, both in the world and through the ministries at St. James’, to offer your talents in God’s service as we seek to share the love of Jesus Christ with each other, our city, and the world.


Prayerfully commit a portion of your personal or household budget to our common life and ministries by making an annual financial commitment. The key to giving is to be prayerful and generous. The Biblical standard is to give ten percent of your annual income; most Christians are growing toward that level of giving.

Membership Form